New Every Morning


The hardest thing I’m learning in this season is that I shouldn’t be defined by it.
That’s really hard.
When you first meet someone and you have to partake in all the inevitable small talk, the first three questions usually are, what’s your name? Where do you live? What do you do? At the moment I have no answer for the third question.
That’s really hard
Everyday I am having to embrace that my identity has nothing to do with what I do or don’t do. It has everything to do with who I am. So who am I?
I am a perfectly loved daughter of the King.
Every morning I have to tell myself that. I may have no job. No income. No clue about the future but I am a perfectly loved daughter of the King. This never changes.
It doesn’t matter what I do or don’t do – this is what fulfills me and defines me.
The hard part is that this is not something I learn once then move on to the next thing. It’s like I have to learn it fresh every single day for the first time so I really am realising in this season that, His mercies are new every morning (Lam 3:22-23).

God is in the detail

Hey Guys
So, I’ve found myself in quite an uncomfortable season. I am currently unemployed. Yes. I said it. I have no job. My work contract ended at the end of March and it was unable to be renewed. I spent 8 wonderful years with that company and learnt much more than I can ever put into words. I am so grateful for the experiences and friendships gained while I was there. I was devastated to leave but I had to suck it up like a big girl and move on.
However as of yet I have nothing to move on to. This is such an unknown for me. I have never been unemployed. I have either been studying or in a job. I am very thankful for this and acknowledge God’s blessing on my life up until now for this to be the case.
I’ve decided to share this season in this blog for several reasons. The biggest one is accountability. I need to make myself accountable to whoever might read this. Looking for work is hard work and can be disheartening work. It can be very tempting to open up my laptop and close it back down again just at the thought of having to trawl through lists of vacancies that really don’t suit my requirements or  seeing how I don’t suit their requirements but I figured if I have some people following these posts then I need to have something to write. Therefore I need to do something job search related to have something to write about.
Also I want to give some perspective to this season. I want these posts to be a testimony of what God is doing for me and in me at this time. What am I learning right now? In the good and the bad. I want to share how God is in the detail – every detail. Even the details we don’t like. So that means this blog is relevant to you even if your job is secure, because we all find ourselves in seasons we haven’t asked for but we all need to lift our eyes, change our lens and let God re-focus us on what’s really going on inside us as well as outside of us.
In conclusion, these blogs will be a mix of practical tips and experiences and some more reflective posts. Hope you enjoy x